So, what is mysophobia? It is the paranoia of germs or contamination. Affected persons exhibit great concern with neatness and cleanliness to the extent of causing a lot of distress in their routine activities. While hygiene is good, mysophobia is its extreme, where things and events trigger stress and anxiety. Let’s look at its signs and symptoms, the treatment process, and its effects on individuals.
Causes of Germophobia
When it comes to causes of germophobia, we should know that they are multiple and very individual. More often it originates from psychosocial stressors like a serious disease or observation of contamination-related events. There are other factors, which may also cause mysophobia, including having been raised in a clean household, where cleanliness is emphasized a lot. Such portrayals by the media and any other health alert help to increase the level of fear amongst the public, hence leading to some people getting ‘paranoid’ about germs. Genetic factors and other pre-existing mental conditions such as anxiety disorders may also be contributing factors that make an individual prone to mysophobia.
Symptoms of Mysophobia
The manifestations of mysophobia can be anything from mild anxiety to extreme, modifying the person’s life. This condition has some typical symptoms: persons with it wash their hands too often and avoid public places or touching objects, and they also use disinfectants too frequently. Mysophobia may cause panic or anxiety when an affected person feels that he/she has been in contact with germs. This condition especially makes people avoid places where contact with other people or surfaces is inevitable. In the long run, the above behaviors disrupt relationships, work, and general quality of life.
Treatment for Mysophobia
The good news is that the fear of germs can be treated by following the right treatment procedure. As one of the most effective treatments, cognitive behavioral therapy allows people to fight and adjust their distorted perceptions. Exposure therapy, which is a part of cognitive behavioral therapy, slowly makes individuals increase their exposure to situations that include germs. For instance, they might touch the doorknob, for instance, without washing their hands right after the contact. In extreme conditions, the practitioner may prescribe products such as anti-anxiety drugs to deal with extreme fear. The use of relaxation methods such as meditation and other breathing exercises can also help in decreasing anxiety levels.
Living with Mysophobia
Suffering from mysophobia may be difficult because the fear of germs restricts a person from going through their daily life as usual. This is, however, not the case, as people can always seek medical help and get over their fears to become in control of their lives again. Education on the nature of mysophobia is crucial in supporting the sufferers, first, to change their attitude toward themselves, and second, to find ways to deal with the causes of its development.
It is important to know what mysophobia is before attempting to deal with the condition. This article presented both the causes of germophobia as well as the symptoms and possible treatments that would help people to get a healthier life without being afraid of germs.
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